Neatishead CofE Primary School


Peacock Class Cyber Café

Thank you to parents of Peacock Class for making our Cyber Cafe such a success. We appreciate your support of the pupils’ progress. This video demonstrates pupils’ ability to use technology with ease – they can analyse problems in computational terms and apply algorithms. We look forward to the stories Peacock Class compose next year. Parent feedback:

Story writing success! Who will be next?

Story writing success! Who will be next?

Out of this world. All kids fab. Can’t wait for the next one.
Fantastic morning of interesting observation and participation of a superb class!
Really enjoyable. Nice to see what the children do. Cake and drink nice too. Well done to you all.
Great fun. Really enjoyed it. It was good to join in.
Really enjoyed the Cyber Cafe. The children all read really well, especially C 🙂
Well done to the children. It was a good presentation. A lot of work has been done by everyone.
It was very good. The children are very knowledgeable. F’s spelling is coming on!
A lovely, enjoyable morning spent with Peacock Class. The children have worked really hard. Well done.
Really enjoyable morning. Good to see what the children are doing.
Fantastic morning! Thank you. Looking forward to future opportunities to get involved with the class.
Very much enjoyed this morning, it was lovely to see and hear all of the children’s hard work. Well done to all pupils.
Lovely watching how to use an iPad and ‘Face Time.’ Everyone was thoroughly enjoying it.
It was great to link up with Australia. It looked like the children were all having fun.