Neatishead CofE Primary School


KS1 Cricket Festival at the UEA

Sports Day 2024

We adhere to the aims of the national curriculum for physical education to ensure that all our children develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives. There is a clear plan for progression. Children will be supported to close any gaps in their learning. Where children show high ability, talent and interest, they will be effectively challenged. Every effort will be made to identify and lift barriers to learning. The subject will be presented as one to enjoy.

Pupils participate in a minimum of one PE session a week. This session incorporates a variety of physical skills which underpin the fundamentals of sport and are designed to develop children’s physical literacy. These skills can then be applied across a range of sports and used in a variety of contexts. Progression is carefully planned for. This scheme of work also provides children with the opportunity to develop key abilities to be successful not only in PE but across the whole school curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to apply what they have learnt in PE during play and lunch times and beyond school.

Children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 take part in a terms worth of swimming each academic year. Children not reaching the expected standard have additional swimming sessions to enable them to develop their swimming and water safety skills. Swimming lessons take place at the cluster High School.

We recognise the importance of competition and our children get the opportunity to take part in frequent inter and intra competitions with schools in our cluster. Regular afterschool clubs allow children the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular activities.

We provide additional sport opportunities from outside organisations. This provides sport specialist coaching to our pupils and helps to further develop competitive sport opportunities and feeds in to the development of a healthy, active lifestyle.

P.E is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life. A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. We provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. The children share an enthusiasm for sport and physical activity.