Neatishead CofE Primary School

Red Skippers

Our dinosaur topic is fascinating!

Red Skippers went to the Dinosaur Park on Wednesday 10th January 2018

Here is a little preview of their day.

Stomp in the Swamp! – January 2018

thumbnail of KS1 parent plan

Red Skippers Camp Fire

We had our first campfire today. We collected the wood from our field. The toasted marshmallows were delicious!

Hedgehog Homes

Sawing, hammering, digging, collecting and working together to create homes for hedgehogs.


As it was Victorian week we made clove and sequin pomanders, to make our houses smell beautiful. We also had a special service led by Revd David who taught us all about Christingles. We each made one to take home and share.

Religious Festivals

We have enjoyed finding out about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, the Hindu festival of light, Diwali and now we are getting excited about the Christian festival of Christmas!

Remembering Armistice Day

Reception Special Celebration Assembly

Our wonderful Reception children are so happy in school. They received certificates today in our special Celebration Assembly.


We walked to St Peter’s Church to celebrate Harvest. We loved singing the songs about The Little Red Hen!