Neatishead CofE Primary School

Red Skippers

We created woodland shops. Everything was natural, even the money!

Marvellous Mummies? Exciting Egyptians? Perfect pyramids?

We had lots of fun launching our new topic about Ancient Egypt, making scarab beetles, sugar lump pyramids and Egyptian jewellery!

Red Skippers Autumn Parent Plan

Cromer Beach Visit

We had a wonderful day on Cromer beach. We paddled, splashed, built sandcastles and collected pebbles.

Celebration Certificates

The Red Skippers have had an amazing year. Look at our certificates celebrating all of our successes as we move into Years 1,2 and 3.

Drama Week

Drama week has been amazing. We loved watching the fantastic Garlic Theatre Company perform George and the dragon. We have learnt some mime movements, but leaning on a pretend stick was very hard! Today we have written our own plays and performed them to our friends. What a fabulous week!

Potato Harvest

We planted and cared for two types of potato. Yesterday we harvested them. Today we boiled, mashed and chipped them! Sam really enjoyed the mashed potato!

Red Skippers June 2016

We enjoyed being pirates for the day! We prepared some revolting recipes to share on our picnic.

Hip, hip, hooray! Fantastic running, collecting, balancing and cheering on all our friends during sports day.

Today we watched our chicks peck their way through their shells and look around at us. They can cheep very loudly!

Exploring and praying in St Peter’s church, Neatishead

Den Day

Hiding in our dens and sailing away in our boats! We enjoyed Den Day and were very happy to raise lots of money for Save the Children.