Neatishead CofE Primary School

Red Skippers

12th May 2017

We wrote fabulous instructions to teach us how to make shark sandwiches!

Some of our exciting, enthralling and educational fiction and information books for our topic “Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.


We know how to keep safe when we are using the internet.

thumbnail of E-Safety I can statements

Red Skippers Update

I learnt to look left and right all the time when I am crossing the road
You never go behind a car when it has got its lights on because it might move

Building a bug hotel

Who do you think will move in?

Weeding, digging and planting – but what are we growing?

“Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside!” Summer 2017

thumbnail of launch letterthumbnail of Parent plan

thumbnail of Untitled Extract Pages

Preparing to celebrate Mothering Sunday

So much fun creating cards, painting pictures, designing stained glass windows, planting Forget-me-not seeds and making labels for our pots.

Red Skippers Parent Plan – The Circus

thumbnail of Parent plan


Red Skippers Class Parent Plan Autumn 2016-17 – Fantastical Fairy Tales

thumbnail of Parent plan