Neatishead CofE Primary School

Red Skippers

Reading, reading, reading!

Information books or story books or big books or fact cards –  we enjoy sharing them all.

Roll Up! Come to the Circus!

Ella has written some questions she would like to investigate…

Red Skippers Parent Plan Spring 2020

The Hippodrome Circus

The Hippodrome circus in Great Yarmouth was a very exciting way to end our term leading up to Christmas, and a wonderful way to begin our new theme for January – The Circus!

The Smartest Giant in Town is a brilliant story

In Reception we have written a list of clothes the giant gave to his animal friends, made crowns like the one the giant wore and we designed and made houses for the giant using duplo!

The Gruffalo

Sharing the story, acting as the characters and writing instructions = Gruffalo cake!

Our turkey came visiting today!

He is only four months old and is enormous! We enjoyed stroking him and giving him some grain.

We Love Music!

We used tapping sticks to make rhythms and we moved  to music with scarves!

Red Skippers plan for September to December 2019

thumbnail of Parents plan for website

What a brilliant start!

Our new pupils have started with a smile and are enjoying their learning. So far we have shared lots of stories, built castles, baked bread and biscuits, made porridge, climbed trees and counted in 1’s and 2’s!