Neatishead CofE Primary School

Red Skippers


Roman bread was fun to make and delicious to eat!

Experiencing history at the Time and Tide museum. We met a Roman soldier, a slave and a Roman lady. Do ask us what we learned.

We have been learning about healthy eating

We were very lucky to have doctors and students from the Hoveton and Wroxham Medical Centre in school today to talk to us and to play games teaching us how to make healthy choices.

We have been designing, painting and making shields as part of our Roman topic

Our Reception children have enjoyed clapping, singing and making patterns

The Romans

thumbnail of The Romans parent plan

thumbnail of Romans timetable

The Three Trees

At our Christmas reading cafe we shared the story of “The Three Trees” before embarking on a range of Christmas tree crafts, including wool wrapping and chocolate trees! We followed our reading cafe with a wonderful Christingle service where we all created Christingles to take home.

We love phonics!

All these children got every one of their spellings correct today. Brilliant!

Cave Drawings Pop Art