Neatishead CofE Primary School

Red Skippers

Did you know that beans can grow in water? We are very excited about watching our hydroponic beans grow!

Our Ugly Bug Ball Extravaganza

Learning new dancing skills with Laura from Premier Sports

Having an amazing time at The Big Sing, with 9000 other children!

Outdoor Learning

Mixing and painting with mud, creating houses for fairies and tying knots to create dens – Outdoor learning is so exciting.

We designed and sewed dinosaur cushions. We learnt lots of new joining and sewing techniques.

We have been thinking about how Jesus shared bread with his friends. We baked bread and ate it together.

We enjoyed working with the RSPB to investigate the habitats on our school field.

We have been learning to draw dinosaurs.

We drew and painted this wonderful montage of a Stegosaurus and a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Hansel and Gretel

Not only did we create breadcrumb trails in the woods, we acted out the story of Hansel and Gretel, wrote the story in our own words and used dictionaries to find out the meaning of new words.