What is e-safety?
Ella: helps young people develop safe use of the internet
Isla: it helps people learn how to use the internet so they know what to do when they’re older
Ramsey: e-safety means to not give other people your personal information
Lilly: e-safety shows you how to use the internet safely
Jude: be safe online, it can be dangerous
Cecily: sometimes you have pop-ups on screens, if you accept cookies for example; it can take your personal information
Lilli: it means to be safe online, age appropriate things
Charlotte: be careful of scams when you are using the internet
E-Safety is very important at Neatishead, Salhouse and Fleggburgh Federation. Keeping the children safe online is embedded throughout the curriculum. The children also learn how to use technology safely during lessons, assemblies and special events.
If you want more information about how to keep your children safer online, a great place to visit is the CEOP Think You Know website.
The internet has changed all of our lives, particularly our childrens. For parents and carers this opens up a whole new world of things to be aware of. For many of us, this can all be a bit too much. You might be struggling to keep up with the things your child is doing online, you might wonder whether what they are doing is safe, and you might also be thinking, How can I be as good a parent online as I am offline? The purpose of this site is to make online parenting simple. Click on the link below to explore the website.
Online gaming
Online gaming can offer many positive experiences. It can give children and young people the chance to escape into a virtual world, to learn, and to connect with others.
However, there is a risk of children and young people viewing inappropriate content in games and being contacted by adults seeking to exploit them.
KS2 pupils have worked with younger children to produce this informative E-safety video. They have selected 60 seconds of their film to enter a National competition led by Childnet International.
The following link will take you to a number of video clips, advice and information relevant to supporting children to use the internet safely.