Stone Age Creativity!
Our beautiful Nativity books.

We had a wonderful morning watching The Gruffalo at the Playhouse in Norwich. The Gruffalo was very funny!

We had a very exciting day exploring Norwich castle – inside and out. We discovered a secret passageway which we think would lead into the castle!

Please enjoy sharing some of our learning so far this term…

Wild Week 2024 – climbing, digging, scavenging, cooking, sharing, exploring, walking, examining, hunting, tasting, thinking, running, collecting………….
Chris the fisherman came in from Cromer. We loved seeing, feeling and smelling these living sea creatures!

We enjoyed sharing Shark in the dark and finding the rhyming words. We wrote our own instructions to make shark sandwiches! Our picnic under the old oak tree was delicious!

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside……have a look at some of our learning so far.
KS1 Multiskills Morning
Easter learning and celebrations with the Red Skippers.
The Red Skippers sang two songs so beautifully to celebrate Mothering Sunday with our families.
Welcome to Wind in the Willows!
We designed and made our own cars for Mr Toad!

Mole was lost in the woods. Ratty discovered him hiding from the weasels and badgers. We became the Mole and Ratty and asked each other questions.

A dinotastic adventure!
Have a look at some of the wonderful work produced by the Red Skippers this term. Our favourite dinosaur song describes a pterodactyl flapping, a dinosaur thumping and stomping and a woolly mammoth making a loud noise. Our Red Skippers have absolutely stomped and soared on wings!
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us to celebrate the end of our theme – Stomp, Stomp and Soar on wings. It was wonderful to share some fabulous new stories, sing our favourite dinosaur song and enjoy dinosaur games and crafts with you.
Look what happened next…
Look who visited our school
What a fabulous start to school. Congratulations to our new children – we are so happy to have you in our school!